Expanding Student’s Horizons

Recently, I had the distinct pleasure to model the new ISTE Ignite sessions at the kickoff session of the 2012 ISTE conference in San Diego. For those of you that don’t know what an Ignite session is, it is a fast paced style of presenting. The speaker is given a set number of slides and […]

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Being a 21st Century Teacher

Lots of people are tossing around terms in education and attaching the words “21st Century” to appear cutting edge or on the front end of trending ideas. As a teacher in the 21st century I find it amazing to see some of the things that are so called “21st Century” and yet are no different […]

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Do We Need Principals?

Tonight during an #edchat on Twitter, the group was discussing leadership in education. Partially joking, but with some level of honest curiosity I sent the follow tweet out: I got some initial kick back that schools certainly need a principal and could not imagine functioning without. I poked back as a means to stretch my […]

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We Are Not Newsworthy…

In the past year I have had my fair share of press related to some recognition I have received. I won’t post anything here…but google me if you want to know. 😉 A majority of it has been in the form of local newspaper articles or online blurbs. While it has been nice, it is […]

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Rules…are for the Teachers…

This afternoon I spent a portion of a staff PD day discussing our school rules and potential changes for next year. We went over the usual suspect; gum chewing, cell phones and dress code. The discussion was heated as it usually is when it comes to things that people feel strongly on. Myself, I want […]

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Cruise Control

As the end of the year nears it is very tempting to hit the “cruise control” button. It is easy to pop that VHS in, hit play and let the remaining minutes pass by in a stream of mono-toned narrations and antiquated special effects. Many of us will check out the laptop cart or hit the computer […]

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A Sit-down with Daniel Pink

Recently, I had the good fortune to spend some time chatting with author Daniel Pink at his home. I connected with Pink through twitter when I shared with him my work on helping start an Innovation Day at my school. Some of the theories behind the Innovation Day were taken from Pink’s work in his […]

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This evening I am speaking at my school district’s annual award’s ceremony. I am a big believer in the power of images and I created this one that will be my final slide. The title is simply “focus”. Too often we in the world of education get wrapped up in the many facets of our […]

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