ASCD part three: Great Opportunity

As I have wandered in and out of sessions and chatted with various people throughout the ASCD Conference this weekend, I have come to a realization. There is more opportunity for growth and change at this conference than any other one I have attended. The perfect example of this was during the EdCamp session I […]

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ASCD part one: Global Competency

I am attending my first ASCD Conference this weekend as part of the “Press Corps”. As a result, I will be doing my best to keep up with blogging and tweeting from the sessions I attend as well as the numerous conversations that will inevitably take place. The first session I attended was one guided […]

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Innovation Day…the Sequel

Many of you that have been reading my blog here are aware of my Innovation Day that I wrote about last spring. If not, you can find it here and some follow up by author, Daniel Pink here. Last week, we rolled out Innovation Day…the Sequel. We took our nearly 300 hundred 6th grade students […]

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Teaching Mediocrity

from Mediocrity is starting to creep into the world of education and specifically into the practice of teaching. I am afraid that it might always have been there and I am just now becoming increasingly aware of it. While many might want to place the full blame on teachers, I think there might be […]

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We Are All On A Journey

I have been spending my time lately presenting, attending and learning at a whole host of conferences. There is a distinct theme bubbling up in all of these conferences regardless of the location or size. Everyone is at a different place in their learning journey. As I sit through session after session, I am finding […]

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Concerns With Common Core

Yes, there are lots of negatives being tossed around about Common Core and its impact on education and our country in general. I am not going to address the millions of dollars that will be lined in a whole host of pockets…none of which will be educators. In addition, I won’t bother spending time on […]

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Problems or Symptoms

Lots of topics are at the forefront of discussion in education these days. As I am continually reflecting on these things, I wonder if we might be chasing our tails with a few of them. Are we treating the problems or the symptoms? I have been vocal about my disdain for homework and the negative […]

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