Celebrate the Small Things

Simple post with a simple idea…celebrate the small things in life and in school. Below is a video of my youngest son demonstrating how he can now zip his coat on his own. They make a big deal about this at his preschool as kids join the official “Zipper Club” after being able to zip […]

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Standardized Testing

I think there are a handful of issues related to public education such as funding, unions, merit based pay, and standardized testing. Many of these issues are hot topics and are being debated from the teacher’s lounge to the halls of Washington DC. For me, the issue I see having the greatest impact on my […]

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My Message

Many of you are probably aware that I was recently named Illinois Teacher of the Year. As a result of that honor, I am a nominee for National Teacher of the Year. Part of the process was a packet of paperwork that I recently submitted to “nationals” last week. Among the many questions and topics […]

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You Hate Kids?

I recently had a comment left on a previous post causing me to pause and think. The comment: There was some further conversation within the comments but I stand by my original thoughts that you have to remain centered around kids in everything you do. With that in mind, I don’t think you can be a […]

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My First Radio Interview

Below is a recent radio interview I did as a result of “winning” the State of Illinois Teacher of the Year. Normally, I would think of posting this, but I think I actually had a few noteworthy things to say in this one…enjoy! Naperville Teacher Is 2011 Illinois Teacher Of The Year by wdcbnews

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Why I Write

Writing has always been a part of my life. Since I was young, I always enjoyed playing with words and using them to illustrate a point or tell a story. I still have notebooks filled with thoughts, ideas, and poems from my adolescent years. If nothing else, they provide a glimpse into my mind at […]

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Does Technology Help?

I think technology helps kid’s learning experiences in school and helps them in life. The problem is I cannot prove it. Technology in the classroom has gotten some bad press as of late with the recent article in The New York Times. The primary focus of this article is schools where great amounts of money […]

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A Simple Phone Call

Tonight I was driving home from work while talking on the phone with my wife. We were simply rehashing our days when the house phone rings in the background. My wife went over and noticed that it was my son’s school calling and instantly said, “I wonder what he did wrong now.” She then hung […]

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