I’m Ready

The walls of my classroom are bare and my lesson plans are empty…yup, I am ready for school to start. Yes, you read that correctly. I am just a few days away from student’s first day and the walls in my classroom are completely bare. The only thing you will see is a draped green […]

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No Office Day

Recently, I came across this tweet in the land of tweets: Apparently, there are a handful of administrators that are trying to organize a massive “No Office Day” in September. Now, I first read about this issue of no office days in a great post by Lyn Hilt. While she did not use the term […]

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Summer of Josh

I am a huge fan of the old television show Seinfeld and am that nerdy guy that drops lines from that show on almost a daily basis. One of my favorite episodes is the “Summer of George”. In this episode George is claiming his summer as the summer he is going to do great things. […]

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The Shades Project

Many of you that read my blog have heard about our #googleshades project that a handful of us have tried to get off the ground. As of right now, Google has decided not to help sponsor this project. While we are all upset about this, we are determined to move forward with this project because […]

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Reform Symposium

As the Reform Symposium is only a few days away I thought it best to give a brief introduction to the topic I am going to be sharing which is Student Driven Learning. Here is a short video I put together on the topic as a teaser.  As a result of both action research and […]

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The Real Game Changer in Education

Recently, I read a great post about social media as a potential “game changer” in education. It got me thinking about the concept of a so called game changer. Personally, I have a tough time buying into the idea of a game changer in anything, let alone education. When it comes to education many people […]

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The Google Shades Project

While in Philadelphia for the annual ISTE conference I spent a short amount of time walking through the vendor area and swung by the Google booth. In the midst of checking out the Chrome Books, I grabbed a couple pair of their freebie Google Shades. I gave one to a friend and brought two home […]

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Passing the Puke

I recently went to the local movie theatre to watch Transformers 3 with a friend and coworker. On a side note, I highly recommend the movie. It had some amazing action and it was nice to see my local downtown Chicago getting blown up. However, as we were walking to the screen where our show […]

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Lightning Bugs and Learning Loss

By Bruce Marlin [CC-BY-SA-2.5 (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5)], via Wikimedia Commons I have been reading a great deal about the “learning loss” that occurs over the summer break? I completely agree with this idea that students suffer great loss over the summer months. However, I am a huge fan of it as well. The learning loss that happens […]

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Too Heavy

In the past several weeks and months I have been reading a great many blogs and articles about the state of education and where we need to move. I further discussed this at great length with a number of educators at ISTE last week. The question I have is, “are we overcomplicating the matter?” There […]

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