Schools Fail Boys

Before you read, understand that this might be offensive or considered sexist, but I feel a need to share some thoughts I have had recently in regards to boys in our schools. We are failing them. I base my argument on the basis that yes, I am a boy myself, as well as the fact […]

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Dallas Takeaways

The past six days I was in Dallas, TX as part of the National Teacher of the Year program sponsored by CCSSO. It was amazing to meet and learn with outstanding teachers from nearly every state in our country and many of our territories abroad. As with any such experience it takes a while to […]

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Kids Are Not Cookies

I spent last night meeting and talking to teachers of the year from states all over the country in my opening event for teacher of the year program. As I went back to my room I reflected my first impressions as well as the vigorous conversations. Throughout the evening I met passionate and dedicated teachers. […]

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Defending the Retake

In the past two years I have changed my thinking on test taking and retakes. I used to give kids one shot on a test and they better not blow it. If they could not demonstrate their comprehension on the day I delegated as “test day” they were out of luck. It was a one […]

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I Don’t Know

Recently, my students took a test in our Social Science class. The assessment was a few short answer questions about a variety of topics in Ancient India. As my students turn them in, I typically have a follow up activity for them to be working on while other students are finishing up. Then I will […]

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I am a big fan of allowing students the ability to choose how they want to show me evidence of their learning. Yes, most students prefer to do this in written form because that is what they are used to. However, every once in a while a student will produce something that really blows me […]

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Greece Grouping Activity

This is a post I was asked to write many weeks ago and have finally gotten around to doing it. In a prior #sschat on Twitter there was a conversation about groups and how to organize groups in classes. I shared a way in which I do a “creative” grouping activity in conjunction with introducing […]

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A Conversation With…Me

This is a recent interview I did for the Illinois Education Association in response to my Illinois Teacher of the Year Award. I wanted to get across some key ideas and I feel that they did a nice job with the video. However, I have to admit an error in my statements in regards to […]

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Be There

The other day I took my son to his swim lesson. This is something I have done numerous times with both of my boys and they really love being in the water. Their lessons are thirty minutes long and I normally bring a book, the iPad, or laptop to get some work or reading done […]

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I’m Going Streaking

I have decided not to make New Year’s Resolutions this year…no lists of fluffy feel good things that I will more than likely fail to live up to.  Instead, I am going streaking. Yes, you heard that correct. I am going streaking for the first time in my life. I just hope I can do […]

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