#SDE2013 Session Resources

This past week I was happy to share and present at the SDEConference in Chicago and had a great time with all four sessions I presented. As promised, here are all the resources or videos I shared in my sessions.
The first two sessions I did were PBL – Making Literacy Come Alive and Student Driven Learning with Technology. These first two sessions were more conversational and not any real resources were shared other than first hand experiences. I did share some of my students’ videos from my YouTube channel as well as some projects.

My third session was Innovation and Education and I shared some of my beliefs on what we are doing wrong in schools and some techniques on how to change that. One area that I spoke about was my experiences with Standards Based Grading and how it looks in my classroom. Another topic we discussed was the EdCamp movement for professional development as well as some teaching methodologies.

The final session I did was Interactive History, which was a resource sharing festival by both myself and the participants. Here is the listing of the resources shared and they are broken down by categories.

Today’s Meet – Use as backchannel for discussion
Screencast-o-matic to record your lectures and share with students
Reports and Presentations
CrazyTalk talking heads
March Madness Bracket” for historical figures
Ujam song creator
Facebook page using fakebook
Game or Simulations
BBC site for a handful of simulations
The ICivics site with tons of activities
Primary Source Documents:
New York Times time machine to access old documents
National Archives site for a ton of activities
Awesome Stories resources

=”MsoNormal”> Additional Resources

A Livebinder of US and World history resources as well as primary documents