Good Educators Know

This afternoon I had the privilege to run a PD session at the school where I attended junior high and high school. It was a bit of a surreal experience standing in front of some of my teachers running a session about how to be a better teacher. Regardless, I enjoyed my time and wanted to share my slides/prezi from the session.

The focus was on what good educators know…

4 thoughts on “Good Educators Know”

  1. This is good stuff. I think one thing that is beginning to separate the Teachers that Know from the Teachers that Don't, is the use of technology and social media. It seems that teachers that aren't utilizing these resources aren't really learning anything new in our changing-society. I've learned so much in the last year just by using Twitter and following blogs, that its a bit overwhelming to wrap my mind around. My ideals and education philosophies have changed, yet my methods are struggling to play catch-up! ha

  2. Super, Josh! What a strange thing it must have been, to teach all your old teachers such "new fangled" stuff! What you've put together here is really important! Thanks.

  3. Thanks for coming in and speaking with us! I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing what other great teachers have to say on twitter, based on your recomendations.

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